Friday, September 12, 2008

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Gamal Nasser (January 15, 1918 - Sept. 28, 1970). Commander of the Revolution of 52 property in Egypt, the Egyptian president between 1954 and 1970, the President of the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria) between the years (1958, 1961). Its inception Born Gamal Abdel Nasser in Alexandria events such as the 1919 revolution, which shook Egypt, and stirred the conscience of the Egyptians, and inflamed feelings of the national revolution and in their hearts, and sent the spirit of resistance against the colonizers. And whose father Abdel Nasser Hussain Khalil Sultan had moved from his village "built over the" governorate of Assiut; to act as an agent for the Post Office Bakus Alexandria, was married to Mrs. "hegemonism" daughter "Mohamed Hammad" known coal dealer in Alexandria. In his father's house - No. 12 poet Dr. my channel - was born in Down district (2 other spring 1336 e / January 16, 1918) ... (This house has been turned into a museum now includes property Gamal Abdel Nasser at the beginning of his life). His father was a durable stocks and move from one town to another; Given the nature of his job that was not it often settles in place. Jamal in the house of his uncle President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the smallest was barely a year old until the eighth died in the nation (18 Ramadan 1344 e / April 2 1926) is giving birth IV, "Shawki", and his uncle was "Khalil", who is an officer of the waqfs in Cairo, married some time ago, But not the children alive, found in his brother's sons paternity missing and longing for lasting sons; seized them with him to Cairo; him to assess where they provide care and stability after the death of their mother. After more than seven years on the death of Ms. "hegemonism" married Abdel Nasser of Ms. "Enayat Mustafa" in the city of Suez and that in 1933, then as soon transferred to Cairo to become rangers in the neighborhood Post "Khernfc" between Alazbugeh and Abbasid; where he rented a house Jews owned one of the Egyptians, moving with his brothers to live with their father, having been moved his uncle "Khalil" to a major local villages, and at that time, students in first grade secondary. The beauty of his military After getting a certificate of secondary school in Cairo, Egyptian Revival (in 1356 in e / 1937), he longed to study rights, but as soon decided to enter the military academy, after spending a few months to study rights. Entered the military academy, was not college students as young as 90 students. After graduating at the Military Academy (in 1357 e / 1938) joined the third battalion rifles, and was transferred to the "Mnaqbad" Assiut; Banuri, where he met with Sadat and Zakaria Mohieddin. In the year (1358 e / 1939) was transferred to Alexandria, and there are known to Abdel Hakim Amer, who had come out in the next instalment of a military academy, and in 1942 was transferred to Camp El-Alamein, and rapidly transferred to the Sudan and with Amer. When he returned from Sudan was appointed instructor in the Military Academy and joined the Faculty of Staff; met during his study with his colleagues who founded "Organization of Free Officers." Guerrilla war in Palestine The period between 1945 and 1947 is the real start to form the nucleus of the organization Free Officers; was most officers, who have become - as yet - the Executive Committee of Free Officers, working in many units near Cairo, and having strong relations with their colleagues; Spock, including their supporters . The 1948 war was the spark that ignited the intention of these officers to revolt against corruption, after the calamity suffered by the Arab world in Palestine. In the meantime, many of those officers already engaged in a war of Palestine, The emergence of the organization Free Officers In the summer of 1949 matured idea of establishing a revolutionary organization in Sri army, and has set up a committee comprised of a constituent inception five members only, are: Gamal Abdel Nasser, Kamal Eddin Hussein, and Ibrahim Hasan, Khaled Mohieddin, and Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Raouf, and then later increased to ten Having joined by: Anwar Sadat, and Abdel Hakim Amer, Abdel-Latif Baghdadi, Zakaria Mohieddin, and Jamal Salim. The outside of each Committee: Tharwat Okasha, and Sabri, Yousef Mansour friend. At that time, was appointed Gamal Abdel Nasser, an instructor at Staff College, and grant level al-Kabash (Lieutenant Colonel), after getting a diploma Elements of the war in 1951 following his return from the war of Palestine, had been trapped is a group of his comrades in the "Fallujah" more than four Months, while the number of air raids during the siege 220 raid. Returned after seeing a particular death is claiming the lives of his soldiers and his colleagues, who refused to surrender to the Jews, and resisted, despite the violent siege and potential Ltd., and fought commando rare and unique championship; even been in lifting the siege (1368 Jumada II e / March 1949. Entered courses outside Egypt, including the weapon or brand in Britain, which allowed it to identify life and the vulnerability of Western achievements. As was the lasting impact of international events and the Arab reality, events and the political repercussions of the Second World War and the coup Bakr Sidqi Pasha, the first military coup in the Arab world in Iraq in 1936. The high-Kilani Rashid Revolution in Iraq against the British government and loyal to them in 1941. Mossadeq and nationalization of oil Iran in 1951. The revolutions of Arab revolution against the occupier, such as Tunisian and Libyan revolution. It also impressed by the Ikhwan then Malbut to reach an opinion that is useless to religious parties in the Arab homeland where some races, denominations and other religions. Revolution on July 23 and the republic was established After a series of failures encountered by the king, internally and externally, especially in his relations with his fluctuating attitudes during World War II between the Allies and the Axis powers Egypt's failure was a severe blow and often led to the establishment of the second largest British base in the region in the Suez "after Habbaniyah in Fallujah in Iraq." As well as its position in the 1948 war, which has lost the war. Before that the calls and pressure internally and Arab leaders urged the army to play a role in reforming the Egyptian conditions, which were aired by the Arab Radio Berlin during World War II, which were at the disposal of personal Rashid, Iraq's national high-Kilani, the Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini, the Secretary-taking after Kilani Succeeded in Iraq in 1941 the events of the first liberal revolution valuable Arab world against the British national dimensions advocated unity of Arab countries launched statements and statements of the leaders and Arab armies need uprising against the British and French domination. He urged the Egyptian army to revolt against the colonizer, which supports the monarchy They confirmed the risk of foreign schemes to grant Palestine to the Jews, singled out the Egyptian army letter urging it to resist the British through the support of the Germans and the Axis powers. After pacifying the French King Farouk Al-Kilani issued a statement urging the Egyptian army uprising and the king's call was Kilani understanding and welcoming to the Egyptian military commanders. The thesis of the revolutionary slogans and liberal through the Berlin Radio Arabic impact in the hearts of rebels overthrew King Farouk of Egypt in the movement in July 1952, especially after this deepening sense after the 1948 war. On July 23, 1952 by the revolution, has been little resistance, did not fail the victims that night but only two soldiers who were killed when storming the building of Palestine-General Command. The Free Officers had chosen the head of Muhammad Najib movement, so as it enjoys the respect and appreciation of army officers; and reputation for good sense and national levels, as well as being a high rank in the army, which supported the revolution and earned considerable support, both by officers, or by Masses of the people. It was Abdel Nasser was the actual head of the Commission's constituent Free Officers; and then grew serious power struggle between him and Mohammed Najib, as soon completed Abdel Nasser in his favor (17 spring 1374 the first e / Nov 14 1954), after having arrested Mohammed Najib, He identified his stay at home and himself alone power. And was able to hold an agreement with Britain for the evacuation of its troops from Egypt, in the October 19, 1954, after agreeing to abandon the unity of Egypt and Sudan. In 1958 established a unit integration with Syria, and called the nascent state the United Arab Republic, but that this unity was short-lived, beset coup occurred in Syrian territory in February of 1961 led to the declaration of secession was then a treaty alone careful with Iraq and Syria in 1964 But the death of Iraqi President Field Marshal Abdel Salam Aref in 1966 and then in 1967 prevented the achievement of unity. Note that Egypt has continued to adopt the name United Arab Republic, until in 1971 until after any departure Abdel Nasser year. After a war as it was named the 1967 war in Israel and the West or setback also known to Arabs, Nasser emerged on the public asking step down from his post but it went out demonstrations in several cities in Egypt and particularly in Cairo asking him not to step down from the presidency. Of accomplishments Nasser with Khrushchev to divert the course of the Nile The Syrians agreed to the demand of unity with Egypt in the United Arab Republic, which did not last more than three years under the name United Arab Republic (1958-1961) amid Arab and international conspiracies to abort Iraq responded to a call for the completion of the largest unitary with Iraq and Syria after the Iraqi president, took Marshal Abdel Salam Aref Presidency of the Republic of Iraq to the so-called agreement on April 16, 1964. The nationalization of the Suez Canal and the establishment of the High Dam on the River Nile. Founded the Non-Aligned with Yugoslav President Tito and Sukarno Indonesian and Indian Nehru. Nationalization of private and foreign banks operating in Egypt. Agrarian reform laws and determine ownership of agricultural and under which Egypt became peasants have for the first time and returned the land on which it was working to identify properties feudal hundred acres only after they have thousands of acres of the finest agricultural lands and Egypt are working peasants pay and forced labour Egyptian establishment Altillfzion 1960 Socialist laws in July 1961 A convention to evacuate with Britain in 1954, under which the evacuation was another French soldier on the Suez Canal and Egypt, all in the eighteenth of June 1956 At Cairo Stadium Sports Nasr City Establishment of the Nile Corniche The establishment of Cairo International Book Fair The expansion of free education at all stages Steady expansion in manufacturing. Dr. Jerptli on, a member of the liberal school in the economy, that in the era of Abdel Nasser, the Revolution reclamation 920 thousand acres, and the conversion of half a million acres of irrigation Alehiad, the permanent irrigation, what brings us to an area of one million four hundred thousand acres. D adds. Jrepettli with regard to the industrial sector, there has been a radical change in national income and production, has increased the value of industrial output in current prices from 314 million pounds in 1952 to 1140 million pounds in 1965 and reached 1635 million in 1970 and increased the value of oil from 34 million pounds In 1952 to 133 million in 1970, not to mention the abundance of electrical energy, particularly after the High Dam. D either. Ismail Sabri Abdullah, who assumed the Ministry of Economic Planning in the era of Sadat, saying that industrial production was no more than 282 million pounds in 1952 and reached 2424 million pounds in 1970, recording a growth rate of 11.4% annually, reaching its contribution to national income to 22 % In 1970 to 9% in 1952, provided the state electric energy, huge and cheap, and increased production from 991 million kilowatt / hour to 8113 million kilowatt / hour, Dr. Sabri, the Revolution Jazot rate of 75% in the absorption of the stage of compulsory education , And the number of primary students from 1.6 million to 3.8 million, the number of junior high school pupils and secondary schools from 250 thousand to 1,500,000 and the number of university students from 40 thousand to 213 thousand. Support for revolutionary movements in the Arab homeland "President Nasser of the most prominent leaders, pro-Arab unity," This is the prevailing sentiment among most glorified Arab peoples, and was preceded by the Arab leader, Sharif Hussein, commander of the Great Arab Revolt. "The Bandung Conference" in 1955 starting point Nasser to the outside world. Support President Nasser Alkd Is Palestinian and personally contributed Pal Abdel Nasser with the Iraqi president Abdel Salam Aref and Algerian Ahmed Ben Bella Israeli war in 1948 and injured them. Upon assuming the presidency of the Palestinian cause was considered priorities for many reasons, including the initial strategy on the fact that a hostile country on the border of Egypt will cause a breach of national security in Egypt. The establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine cause in its spare lines of communication and mass market with Pacific Arab bloc, especially psychotropic Sham Iraq was therefore looking forward to a unit with either Iraq or Syria or both. And Abdel Nasser had a prominent role in supporting the revolution of Algeria and build issue of liberating the Algerian people in international forums, and also sought to achieve Arab unity; was the experience of unity between Egypt and Syria in February 1958 under the name "United Arab Republic", had assumed the presidency after the waiver Syrian President, "Shukri al-Koutli" him from power, but it did not last more than three years. It also supported Abdel Nasser's revolution rebel military power which has led Bhaaljeic Marshal Abdullah baskets in Yemen Year 1962 ruling against the front where the Royal Mail Abdel Nasser, about 70 thousand Egyptian troops to Yemen to resist the monarchy, which received support from Saudi Arabia have been attributed to this Egyptian army fatigue interfering in Yemen, causing a heavy defeat in the setback. He also supported the revolutionary movement in July 1958 in Iraq led by the Iraqi army supported by the political forces allied front in the National Union for the overthrow of the monarchy Governing July 14, 1958. The trend towards industrialization Egypt witnessed from the early sixties to the pre-renaissance economic setback and large industrial, after the state started a new trend towards controlling the sources and means of production, through the expansion of the nationalization of banks and companies and factories, establishment of a number of mega industrial projects, were concerned with Abdel Nasser Establishment of schools and hospitals and provide employment opportunities for people, culminating in the entire building the High Dam, which is the most important and greatest accomplishments ever; fever Egypt, where the dangers of flooding, also led to increased agricultural area around one million acres, in addition to characterize it as the primary source of generation Electricity in Egypt, which provides energy for plants and major industrial projects. Facts Evacuation of British forces in Egypt on October 19, 1954, Victim of an attempted assassination on October 26, 1954. When he had given a sermon in the field of public Mansheya coastal city of Alexandria at a ceremony in honor of him and his colleagues on the convention evacuate, where it dropped eight bullets have not installed them, but none of them hit the Sudanese minister Mirghani Hamza secretary editorial board in Alexandria, Ahmed Badr, who was standing along with Gamal Abdel Nasser , Was arrested on an absolute lead to later prove that he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood organization. [1] As soon clashed with all political activists and headed by communists and Muslim Brotherhood group, and both groups are prohibited activities in Egypt at that time. And then dropped the Egyptian state arrested thousands of members of those groups, and held them to military trials and sentenced to death a number of them. The clashes spread to different syndicates; has been resolved Bar Council, which dissolved on December 26, 1954, then followed Journalists Union in 1955. [2] also cancelled parliamentary life and partisan currents, and prompted the National Union in 1959 and the Socialist Union in 1962 . In the Sept. 26, 1962 sent President Abdel Nasser's Egypt's armed forces to Yemen to support the Yemeni revolution along the lines of the revolution and supported the Egyptian-Saudi Yemeni forward for fear of deposed by the revolution along, which led to tension in Egyptian-Saudi relations, and invited the opposition Abdel Nasser, "that this was A bad impact in draining the resources of Egypt and weakening its military strength, and was the most serious consequences of such heavy military defeat suffered by the armed forces in the 1967 war. " In the June 1967 bombing of the Israeli air force all airports to the military cordon and managed to destroy the Egyptian air force on the ground, and killed thousands of Egyptian soldiers in the army's withdrawal from unplanned Sinai, which led to the fall of the Sinai Peninsula and the West Bank and Gaza Strip and Golan Heights In the hands of Israel within six days. Death Another functions Abdel Nasser was mediation to stop the events of Black September in Jordan between the Jordanian government and Palestinian organizations in Cairo summit on 26 - Sept. 28, 1970. Since he returned from Cairo airport after farewells to the Emir of Kuwait. When raided after a heart attack, and announced his death on September 28, 1970 at the age of 52 years after 18 years spent in power for the governance of several deputy Mohammad Anwar Sadat [3].

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