Friday, September 12, 2008

Cent of the most influential persons in human life

Cent of the most influential persons in human life ** ** Movable article I remember I was in tenth grade, (and we call at that time a first year secondary) when read the article intensity and drew my attention, the Arab magazine published in late 1978 by the then chief editor Prof. Ahmed Bahaa Eddin, was titled (first cent) in which he spoke of God's mercy About the book he published recently in the United States, deliberately composed (Dr. Michael Hart) to identify and arrange over one hundred personal influenced the history of mankind according to his studies and his views. The idea seemed to me this book interesting and worthwhile, and I wished then that I have read, but access to information and writers have generally not been accessible as is the case in our time, with just thirty years ago. In any case I have had a few years after the publication of an article from the late Ahmed Bahaa Eddin would like to read Arabic translation of the content of the book (early cent) this, and I have been influenced by the content, methodology and a profoundly influenced by the views extended to this day. Author (Dr. Michael Hart) one of space scientists, has worked in several jobs and occupy the centres related to this field in the United States. Note that holds degrees in mathematics, law, physics and astronomy of ancient universities, in addition to its interest in reading history, philosophy and literature. It seems that this configuration scientific mentality of the men have colored the Study of influential figures in history, chosen for the one hundred most influential among them, so that emerged in the writing of imagination and the ability to understand the existence of other civilizations in the world civilization, and therefore has included the book mentions the impact of personalities Indian, Chinese and Arabic The Mongolian, African, European and North and South America in the lives of all mankind, and perhaps this method of thinking and objective is to open what they strongly believe that societies always the same centre of the universe, not talking about creativity or discovery or invention or the creation of good or excellent thought only alleges that she was a former It historically, while their reality shows on something that never, and so dominates this approach surface narrow who denies the thinking of other private and public alike. In any case, the writer choose Chksyate cent according to the depth and breadth and impact could spread, or according to its effectiveness, whether such influence positive or negative, have included figures of thirty-seven percent personal fads in the field of science and inventions, and thirty personality of the political and military leaders, and fourteen of personality Philosophers and thinkers, and eleven personal religious leaders, six artistic and literary figures, two of identified. In the religious sphere writer choose personal Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and putting it in first place among cent in terms of personal influence, and regarded it as the most successful at religious and worldly and in terms of extension and the widening impact, in the religious sphere itself has chosen Jesus Christ as well as peace be upon him, and pointed to the breadth and depth of Its effect on the moral and spiritual life, and chose the Buddha, Knfoius, St. Paul, Moses and Jesus peace be upon him, Martin Luther, and Otter (founder of Taoism) and Mani (founder Manichean doctrine), Zoroaster, Mahavera (founder Ian denomination in India). It was selected by the author and put them between cent, and is considered the most influential, who worked in the field of science and inventions: Newton, Gothenburg, Anstein, Pasteur, Galileo, Darwin, James Watt, Faraday, Maxwell, Wright brothers, but Avozeye, Freud, and Edison, Mendel, the Levon Hawk, Marconi, Graham Bell, and others. As for the leaders and politicians have said the writer who stated: Mao Tong, Genghis Khan, George Washington, Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler, and Simon Bolivar, Omar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), Julius Caesar, Stalin, Queen Elizabeth I, and John Kennedy, The Charlemagne, workshops and Minna, Justinean, and others. In terms of philosophy, thought, literature and the arts said: Aristotle and Euclid, Shakespeare, Adam Smith, Plato, John Locke, Michelangelo, and Descartes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bach, Thomas Malthus, Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Mikavelli, and Picasso, and others. Perhaps the gesture in the book struck me those names that have not heard by most people, though he was to their owners a significant impact in the history of mankind has not ignored the writer, for example, World Of these, Chinese (Granary), who invented paper by about one thousand and nine hundred years ago, this is the seventh most personal author Enriched in human history, and as rightly so if the impact of intellectual paper in the dissemination of science and culture, literature and civilization throughout history. Among those also (William Morton) deceased in 1868, the first of invented anesthesia (Henbane) and put the author ranked sixth session cent, and for us to imagine the pain of surgical operations or even pain simply pulling Molars not for this invention, as well as a surgeon (Joseph Leicester) inventor Cleansing in surgical operations, and (Luis Dazhuri) inventor solar imaging (and Brad Rotngen) discovered X-ray, and others who have barely hear them from among the celebrities, but we could not conceive of progress in our important. To the wall as do many of these influential cent already in the history of mankind and interactive effort and a genius, did not find success in their lives or in the end, the inventor of paper Granary example Matt suicide in his youth, and (Jutenberg) inventor of printing machine printing machine had been confiscated for the benefit of its creditors, and (Lavoisier) the most important world in the development of chemistry and discoverer of the installation of water and air executed guillotine in France in 1794 (during the era of Napoleon), the religious reformer (Martin Luther) have been burned, and inventor Henbane (Morton) died poor in the ninth session of age, having stolen His invention, and Galileo was forced at the age of advanced deny that the people of his views concerning the role of the Earth around the sun in order to avoid punishment

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